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Houndstooth Saloon
Chicago, USA
The explosive opening scene of "The Untouchables" unfolds at Houndstooth Saloon, formerly known as Brody's. This Wrigleyville establishment, nestled under the 'el' in the junction of West Roscoe and North Clark Streets, was the café blown up by protection racketeers. Today, fans can enjoy a drink at this iconic location, reliving the intense moments from the film's gripping start. Don't forget to glance at 930 West Roscoe Street in the background – John Candy's house from "Only The Lonely."
Michigan Avenue Bridge
Chicago, USA
The lower pedestrian deck of the Michigan Avenue Bridge becomes a pivotal setting where Eliot Ness encounters the incorruptible Irish cop, Malone, played by Sean Connery. The bridge, located at the heart of the city near the Magnificent Mile, offers a picturesque view and has been featured in various films, including "Rent A Cop" and "The Package." This location captures a moment of despair for Ness, providing a backdrop to the film's narrative.
Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica
Chicago, USA
One of the most quoted scenes unfolds in the striking barrel-vaulted interior of Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica. It is here that Sean Connery, as Malone, imparts his wisdom to Ness about the 'Chicago way.' The location's architectural beauty adds a layer of significance to this memorable scene. Fans can visit this basilica, appreciating not only its religious importance but also its cinematic contribution to "The Untouchables."
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