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During the storm

Calgary, Canada

Murph and Getty drive in to town when a sand storm hits them. Murph realizes she has to go back to the house.

A large cloud of dust can be seen hanging over Main Street when the cameras are rolling. Businesses on Main Street remained open all day and pedestrian traffic is allowed during breaks between filming.

Cooper Farmhouse

Calgary, Canada

The ranch-house where Cooper lives with his kids and his father was built for the film near Longview, about 35 miles south of Calgary

Nolan believed it was feasible to grow the 500 acres of corn needed. Not only that, but the corn was then sold at a profit.

Longview School

Calgary, Canada

The early days of Cooper when he learns that the world needs farmers in a school is a real school located in Longview. Also, he attended a conference at the same school, and even that conference was real.

The school that you see in the movie is one of the oldest schools in the town known for delivering quality education. If any one of you plans to commute to Longview, consider this school for your kids!

Seaman Stadium

Calgary, Canada

North of Longview, toward Calgary, the Seaman Stadium in the town of Okotoks hosted the ball-game which is brought to a premature end by one of the increasingly frequent dust storms threatening the planet.

The baseball match that we enjoyed in the movie is filmed at a real baseball stadium in Okotoks. And this stadium is mostly used by the Okotoks Dawgs Collegiate Summer Baseball team.

Space Research Center (interior)

Los Angeles, USA

In "Interstellar," the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles stood in as the cavernous interior of the NASA facility, adding a touch of sci-fi magic to the movie. The hotel's futuristic architecture provided the perfect backdrop for the film's space exploration scenes, creating an otherworldly atmosphere within its iconic walls.

Besides its Hollywood cameo, the Westin Bonaventure is a noteworthy architectural gem in downtown LA. Designed by John C. Portman Jr., the hotel features a unique cylindrical glass tower and has been a popular filming location for various movies and TV shows over the years. With its rotating rooftop restaurant and stunning city views, the hotel offers not only a cinematic experience but also a taste of luxury and innovation in the heart of Los Angeles.

Mann’s Ice Planet

Reykjavík, Iceland

Svinafellsjokull is part of Skaftafell Nature Reserve, this well-known place is a popular destination for hikers, photographers, and nature enthusiasts.

The beautiful scenes of ice planet were shot at Svínafellsjökull



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